Auto update of your P6, P9, student loans as well as Post graduate loan means, you don't have to manually change the tax codes of the employees from the HMRC website Data Provisions Services ( DPS ), our package will automatically do it for you. We have linked up with HMRC system.
In order to use any of Tax Code Auto Update services, you must be registered with the HMRC for PAYE Online Services and must enter your HMRC User ID and Password into our system and then save it.
Please follow the steps below to start Auto Tax Code Update service:
Step 1: Go to 'Employer/Setup' menu in the tasking zone.
Step 2: Click on 'Chart of Setup' sub menu.
Step 3: Then click on 'DPS Notice and Auto-Update Setup' under Others section.
Step 4: Now select 'Yes' from the DPS Notice and Auto-Update Setup drop down menu.
Step 5: Then click on 'Save' button.