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2803. How can my employee update his/her own personal details i.e. address, phone numbers, etc?
Your employee can self update his/her personal details provided his Payroll Internet Account is enabled by you and he/she has been granted access rights to self update his details. To do this select Employee in the Tasking Zone menu bar then further select 'Employee Access Rights' and then 'Current Employee Access Rights' / 'Former Employee Access Rights'. Now select 'Yes' under Allow Address & Phone Self Update and click on 'Confirm'. An e-mail will be sent to your employee to let them know that Phone and Address Self Update Rights have been enabled. He/ she can then sign in to the Internet account to update personal details.
Road Map - Enable Current / Former Employee Access Rights
Employee -> Employee Access Rights - > Current Employee Access Rights / Former Employee Access Rights -> Allow Address & Phone Self Update -> Yes -> Confirm button
( 'Employee' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the left)