FAQ Home

4444. Can I SMS payslip to my employees?
Yes. Our package allows you to SMS the payslips to your employees.

Go to Reports and click on Payslip, Payroll & PAYE - View / Print. Now click on SMS / FAX Payslip link. The page lists the employees whose pay has been processed for the selected pay period. Select the concerned employees and click on SMS Selected button. In the next screen enter the employees mobile numbers and click on Send SMS Payslip button. The Payslips will be successfully sent to your employees.

Road Map - Sending Payslip as SMS
Reports -> Payslip, Payroll & PAYE - View / Print -> SMS / FAX Payslip link -> Current Payslip button -> Monthly -> SMS Selected button -> Send SMS Payslip button
( 'Reports' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the right)