1 |
No data has been processed for E-Filing |
No Job is done |
2 |
When you upload timesheet and you partially complete the Payrun process without updating YTD, E-Filing FPS and EPS |
You can Re-Process the pay all again. |
3 |
When you upload timesheet and update YTD without E-Filing FPS and EPS |
The FPS and EPS has to be E-Filed. |
4 |
When you have uploaded timesheet, updated YTD, E-Filed FPS and have not E-Filed EPS |
The EPS is not done |
5 |
Processing Partial Payrun (When you upload timesheet, commit YTD and E-File FPS for few employees' and there after later for remaining employees' you partially complete the Payrun process without updating YTD) |
The YTD committed alone will be turned Red. |
6 |
Processing Wrong Pay Period(selected the pay period wrongly instead of current pay period) |
All the dashboard section will show Red Cross for the current pay period as its not yet processed. |
7 |
Skipped Pay Period |
For the period you skipped all the sections in Dashboard will remain Red. |
8 |
Employee Migration (The migration was done to our package on the Fifth pay period and till 4th pay period the payrun and E-Filing was done on some other package. So for the 1-4 Pay Periods the dashboard status will have Red) |
The Dashboard will have changes only from the fifth pay period as you have done the Payrun and E-Filing for first 4 pay period from other package. |