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4717. Where in the software can I see if the Employment Allowance is being claimed?

Only the Employment Payment Record - EPR will show the Employment Allowance Claim. If the claim has been set up correctly this report will show you the reduced figure you need to pay to HMRC until you reach the £5,000 limit. The Employment Allowance will not show on any payslips.

Road Map - To view Employment Payment Record
Reports -> Payslips, Payroll and PAYE -View/Print -> Employer Payment Record (EPR) link.
( 'Reports' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the second button from the right)


Finance -> Pay HMRC (Tax & NI) -> Employer Payment Record EPR -> View EPR link. ( 'Finance' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the fourth button from the right).