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4814. How to opt out a re-enroled employee?

If re-enroled employee choose to opt out, please use the "Amend the AE status" facility for the specific employee.

Please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to the Others Menu in the tasking Zone and Select the Submenu "Amend AE Assessment Status".

Step 2: Click on the "Continue" button.

Step 3: Select the check box for the specific employee - select the appropriate "Employee AE Status" from the drop-down.

Step 4: Finally click on "Save AE Data" button to save the changes.

Road Map :

Others -> Amend AE Assessment Status -> Click on "Continue" -> Select the check box for the specific employee - select the appropriate "Employee AE Status" from the drop-down -> Click on "Save AE Data" to save the changes.

( 'Others' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the first button from the right)

Once AE Assessment Status is updated, proceed to redo the pay run process. If the AE Status is updated to Opt-out, then the Pension Contributions will not be calculated.