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4492. No Payment (Nil Return) Return?
If you have made no payment to any monthly, weekly or any other pay frequency employees during the tax month/quarter then you must send a "No Payment Due" EPS to HMRC. The deadline for this is the 19th of the month following the end of the tax month for that pay period.

Note: You cannot report 'no payments to employees' for the current tax month. If you need to do this you must wait until the tax month has ended. For instance, you cannot submit a 'Nil Payment' EPS for the period 6 December to 5 January until 5 January. For more information click on the HMRC link https://www.gov.uk/pay-paye-tax/tell-hmrc-no-payment-due

Road Map – To E-File the "No Payment Due" EPS
E-Filing RTI -> E-file RTI FPS, EPS, NVR, YTD FPS -> EPS (Employer Payment Summary) -> Continue button -> Confirm button -> Live E-filing button
( 'E-Filing RTI' is the button positioned in the tasking zone menu at the top. It is the third button from the left )
Road Map – To E-File the "No Payment Due" EPS from the Dashboard Page
Dashboard -> Click on the Cross(x) in the EPS E-Filed column -> Continue button -> Confirm button -> Live E-filing button
( 'Dashboard' link is the link positioned above the tasking zone menu. It is the first link from the left )